AI-generated content is sometimes recognized as plagiarism

AI generated content can be seen as stealing someone else’s ideas because the learning phase is essential.
However, it can also be considered new content because the AI creates new sentences and contexts based on the data it has learned.
However, sometimes AI copies sentences verbatim from existing content to the point where it is considered plagiarism.

People who claim AI tools steal ideas

In response, some people claim that AI is stealing and using their ideas and file lawsuits.
Others argue that content creators are inspired by the work of others and synthesize information from multiple sources to create content,
so this is not a problem. The underlying reason for this controversy is that AI-generated content is unoriginal and bland. Putting it all together,
we can see that no one knows the answer to the question of whether AI-generated content is considered plagiarism and everyone has their own opinion.

The best ways to use AI for content creation

Therefore, the best way to avoid being penalized is to use AI as a tool and not as a content creator.
Run your AI-generated content through one of the many plagiarism checkers available online,
analyze the AI-generated text, correct it, and replace it with your own new text.